Xannah Spanish Online

TWO professional teachers specialized in beginners and intermediate levels.

~We speak English (C1)~ ~Xavi parla català (C1)~ ~Ana parle un peu de français (A2)~ ~Xavi parla un po' di italiano (A1)~ ~Ана чуть-чуть говорит по-русски (A1+)~ https://www.xannahspanishonline.com ¡Hola, hola! We’re Ana & Xavi, native Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL) teachers. We want to help you learn and improve your Spanish. We both like languages, although we learn in really different ways. We also love animals, games, music, films and series. Also, Xavi loves drawing, art and enjoys a good debate. Ana specializes in the creation of visual materials and teaching the language to beginners. Xavi works in the tourist sector and he’s the ideal partner for your conversation lessons and to help you with your fluency. Moreover, both of us love learning languages and that’s the reason why we empathize with challenges a language learner has. Our focus is on communication, as we think that learning to communicate is key when learning a language. Nevertheless we won’t leave the other language skills and grammar behind. Our teaching style is interactive, engaging and fun. You will learn by doing and repeating, not only memorizing. We won’t hesitate using English as a means to help explain some points in a clear and concise way with lower levels and, if necessary, for clarifications with intermediate and high levels. [We open slots fortnight every Friday] [Packages will have an expiry date of 6 months from purchase date]

SKYPE 25′ – 45′ Trial Lesson

$10 for 1 hour

This lesson will last 25-45′ and will be focused on knowing your interests and motivations, plan a goal, know each other and empathize. [SKYPE is a MUST, because it suits best our teaching style] [Lessons will last from 25 to 45 minutes, even if the slot is for one hour (starting at the scheduled time, finishing 5 to 15 minutes before the next hour/half hour).]

SKYPE 55' Conversational Lesson (A1-B2)

$60 for 1 hour

+ Improve your fluency with some activities we have available for you to choose from (we will need to know the topics you would like to talk about): Check our index and description of some of these here -> https://tinyurl.com/IndexXSO - Conversation about a general topic (B1-B2) - Real life situations (A1-B2) - Image description (A2-B2) - Text with activities (A1-B2) - News with activities (B1-B2) - Games (A1-B2) - Your own conversational or reading topic (you will have to send it some days before the lesson)

SKYPE 55′ Interactive Lesson (A0-A1+)

$60 for 1 hour

[For the interactive course you will need a PC or laptop. Mobile phone is not suitable.] This is the best choice if you’re a complete beginner or if you need to consolidate your basic knowledge of Spanish. Our interactive course will guide you, with our help, all along A1 level, some cultural tips and some concepts from A2 that will allow you to navigate in a Spanish environment. Here you can check the course syllabus: https://bit.ly/3Ge4afN

SKYPE 55′ Let’s Play! (A1-B2)

$60 for 1 hour

Games can also help you learn a language! And who says adults don’t play games? Adults also enjoy a good game. We do like playing games and we strongly believe games are a powerful tool to improve and help you learn a language. With the games we’re offering you in this slot, you will end up talking like a Spanish parrot! Below you can find a list of our featured games and in the link you can read a more detailed description of each game: [https://tinyurl.com/ygnyfk2v]

SKYPE 55′ Tailored Lesson (A0-B1)

$80 for 1 hour

This is the best choice if you need complete immersion in Spanish, either if you’re starting to learn or you want to improve some previous knowledge. We fully adapt to your needs and preferences, searching for the best materials to work with you. ------- Esta es la mejor opción si necesitas una inmersión completa en español, ya seas principiante o quieras mejorar tus conocimientos previos. Nos adaptamos totalmente a tus necesidades y preferencias, buscando los mejores materiales para trabajar contigo.

SKYPE 55′ Tourism Professionals (A1-B2)

$100 for 1 hour

Are you a tourism professional who needs to learn or improve Spanish? Xavi has been a professional in the tourism sector for more than 15 years so, he's the best teacher you can find for this purpouse! You're going to acquire the necessary skills to succesfully develop your work in Spanish. If you're going to work in Spain, in a Spanish environment or you need Spanish for your current job, Xavi will help you out with the insight and knowledge of a tourism professional. Don't worry if your level is a basic one, or even if it's more advanced. We will cover, if needed, the basics with curated, specific and selected materials, apart from tailored materials and lessons created by Xavi.

SKYPE 55' Profesores: Consultoría

$50 for 1 hour

¿Eres nuevo en el mundo de la enseñanza de idiomas o quieres mejorar tu proyecto como profesional de la enseñanza de idiomas? ¿Tienes dudas de cómo gestionar tus clases, materiales y servicios? Nosotros podemos ayudarte a conseguirlo, darte las herramientas que necesitas y ponerte en el camino correcto hacia tu futuro. Queremos ayudarte en tu día a día como profesional de la enseñanza de idiomas, ya sea en la gestión de tu aula o aula virtual o en todo lo que ocurre fuera de ella. Antes de contratar tu primera sesión, necesitamos conocerte un poco. Por eso te pedimos que leas el siguiente formulario y nos contestes (vía correo electrónico a info@xannahspanishonline.com) a las preguntas que en él encontraras: https://bit.ly/3CULYH4

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